Friday 27 April 2012

Cumquat Grappa overlooking the French Riviera

After such a lovely day, we continued along the Riviera, travelling on the famous Corniche roads, with their spectacular views. Snaking our way up the mountainside, we reached the Grande Cornicche (top) where we had another exquisite dinner in a fabulous French Restaurant. Our evening started with Aperitifs on the deck, enjoying the views and watching the sunset. We moved inside for our first taster of snails. The verdict……delcieux!! (delicious) The rest of our meal consisiting of Lobster Bisque, Duck Confit and Apple Tarte Tatin for me and Chocolate Parfait for Rew, was superb. The waiter would not allow us to leave until we had sampled the local speciality, Cumquat Grappa. Wow! It was rocket fuel! Rew and James managed to down a shot or two but I couldn’t get more than a drop down. 

Mmmmm!!! Cumpquat grappa puts hair on your chest!

The sunset view from our dinner table

Rew graciously giving up his jacket

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