Wednesday 25 April 2012

Barcelona in all its glory

After lunch we walked up The Ramblas (pedestrian mall) past Guadi’s Art Nouveau fantasies. Comprising of buildings built in the early 1900s, the area is an architectural delight.
Plenty of Street Buskers up The Ramblas

Dodgy Street Vendors with their fake designer bags. The cords are tied to the sheets so if the police come they can pull the cords and bolt. 

Casa Batllo

Casa Mila

Funky local!!

Feeling spritely we continued our walk further north toward Parc Guell. We were awestruck on arrival by the decadence of the designs. Featuring unusual stone structures and multi-coloured mosaics, the park was designed by Gaudi who was commissioned by Eusebi Guell to create a park for the Barcelona aristocracy. 
Had to pop this in as photos on an overcast day just don't do it justice!

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