Monday 16 April 2012

Chartres – Amboise

Loving travelling through France. We stopped in at Chartres and admired Chartres Cathedral, renowned for its stained-glass windows. On the way out of Chartres we were intrigued as we passed a gypsy camp of Romanians.

We then moved on to the charming town of Amboise where we walked through the narrow streets appreciating the French homes and taking in the French way of life. We were taken aback by the homes built into the rock cliff faces, referred to as troglodytes. To our delight we stopped to watch a French family going about everyday life, mother in the garden weeding to French tunes playing in the background, father and son up on a ledge playing guitar/singing. Such a lovely sight to stumble across. Kassandra and I were dreaming of buying a holiday flat!

Chateau de Clos Luce (Leonardo da Vinci's place of residence)

Look closely and you will see the father and son upstairs basking in the sun and bonding with music

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