Sunday 6 May 2012


Venice is such a fascinating place. The weather was perfect for our water taxi ride into the centre of the city. We cruised along admiring the elegant palazzos, passed the Rialto Bridge and stepped onto the Venetian mainland. Next we took a stroll to St Mark’s Square, ‘the most beautiful outdoor drawing room in the world’. You cannot visit Venice without taking a Gondola ride through the Grand Canal, so that was next on our list. It was everything I’d dreamed of and more. We glided along the picturesque canals, sipping champagne as we sat back and listened to a duo of musicians serenading us. So romantic!
We finished the day with a water taxi ride to the Lido where we stayed in the most enchanting hotel. I donned my runners and went for a run down to the waterfront where I found myself staring out over the sea soaking up the serenity as the sun set. It felt as though there was nothing else on the planet except for God, His stunning creation and little me. I didn’t want this day to end. Venice is a place that beckons you to stay and you find yourself promising you will return one day.

Venice is also famous for its hand blown glass making. We caught a water taxi to Murano and watched a master blower at work. What a treat to watch a gifted man excel in this dying art. Next we went back to Venice and spent time meandering through the little alleyways and canals. We found our way to the Rialto and sat on the canal, eating delicious pizza and people watching. Then an afternoon of shopping! And shop I did! My purchases included a fine top hat, an outfit each for the children with matching hats and masks, a pig mask, a feather mask, a Pinocchio mask, a clown mask and other delightful masks. Whilst this little shopping frenzy brought me much joy, it turned my husband into a sullen beast! Thankfully a visit to the stunning Burano for a late lunch/early dinner was enough to snap him out of his cranky pants. 

Our exquisite hotel

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