Thursday 10 May 2012

Lucerne, Switzerland

Switzerland is such a pretty country that leaves you with a sense of awe. It is such a shame everything is so expensive. Our hotel position was just perfect, overlooking Lake Lucerne with views to the snow capped mountains. On arrival to Lucerne we took a scenic lake cruise. This set us up with a love for the city.

Our hotel 'Europe' as seen from the boat

Happy hour on our balcony

Views of the snow capped mountains from our room

A local Swiss couple out and about

A local feeding the swans

Folklore Evening and Dinner
We enjoyed a tasty Swiss meal starting with a traditional Swiss cheese fondue.  Whilst eating we were entertained by highly talented performers, who involved the audience in a folklore show including yodelling, flagthrowing, Alpine hornblowing, spoon playing, broom playing and bottle playing. Basically the Swiss can turn anything into a musical instrument. Like Germany, the Swiss drink their beer by the litre so Andrew was quite merry by the end of the night. I made the mistake of attempting to yodel so was very briskly whisked up on the stage to yodel. I won a beer which I was requested to drink on stage. But no surprise to those who know me well, I would have flown to the moon rather than drink it, so my husband was called upon for assistance. 

The restaurant

Cheese fondue and beer

A gift from the countess to the city as she was a woman of faith
"Come to me all you people that are tired and have heavy burdens. I will give you rest." Matt 11:28

The home of the countess who gave the Jesus statue as a gift

Lake Lucerne

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