Friday 11 May 2012

Mt Pilatus, Switzerland

A series of cable cars gradually elevated us through the fields and forest to the summit of Lucerne’s most well know mountain. On arrival, snow started gently falling on our lashes.  How delightful! Andrew and James could not get into playing in the snow quick enough. Before long they had a rather competitive snow ball fight in full swing. Quite entertaining for onlookers and they soon had requests for photos. Such Aussie show ponies!! It felt like we were on top of the world up on the mountain. The nail biting gondola that took us to final summit was well worth it for the fun and fresh mountain air we experienced whilst up there.

Travel tip: Try not to time your visit around meal times on Mt Pilatus. It is extra expensive. I paid 5 francs for a bottle of water. Francs are almost equivalent to the Aus $. 

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