Monday 7 May 2012

Burano - Venice

We were taken by private boat to a hidden treasure, the alluring island of Burano. This charming little island is a photographer’s paradise with its brightly coloured buildings, delightful restaurants, cafes and quaint little shops offering local lace works and other crafts. We made our way through a tiny alleyway to find a concealed entrance to a fabulous restaurant where we dined on a sumptuous four course meal, finished with an Amaretto liqueur. Buona azienda,  buon alimento!!

Travel tip: BYO water, coke and toilet in Venice! I can’t believe I paid 5 Euro for a can of coke and 1.50 Euro to use a toilet that him/her share.

After a day of shopping!!!

Sneak preview of some of my purchases!!

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