Tuesday 8 May 2012

The hills are alive with the sound of music

Salzburg, Austria

Driving through the mountainous countryside of Austria is a feast for the eyes. I was so excited to finally be visiting Salzburg, the perfect setting for one of Hollywood’s most successful films ever. Being a Sound of Music enthusiast,  it was a wonderful experience walking through Salzburg recognising the original spots where scenes in the movie were taken.  We stopped off in the market place to buy a traditional Austrian sausage in a roll for lunch. Delicious!! Salzburg is also famous as the birthplace of Mozart. He spent many years in this beautiful city. What a perfect environment to develop the inspiration to compose brilliant music.

In many ways Salzburg has clung on to its traditions. You still see many older folk wandering the streets in traditional garb and have the opportunity to stop and be entertained by traditional music buskers. 

Look familiar??

Such a beautiful couple! Recognise the fountain? Think Von Trapp children and Maria. 

McDonalds in Salzburg 

The hub of entertainment

The birthplace of Mozart

Local children having a wonderful time. Check out the conductor on the far right. What a cutie!

I loooove the locals! How cute!

Giant pretzels. Yum!!

The graveyard where the Von Trapp family were hiding at the end of The Sound of Music. Remember??? Rolf gave them away to the guards.

The fountain Maria splashed whilst singing "I have confidence"

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